What is a PADI IDC Staff Instructor?
For many recreational divers this title is a little confusing – do they teach staff? Are they still Open Water Instructors? What does...

Climbing the PADI Ladder to CDTC
It has now been a year since I decided to engage in the Course Director application process in earnest and I figured I would share my...

Squirt bottle: What is this and what is it for?
Many of you will have seen a bottle like this at your local dive operation, sitting there on a picnic table next to the gear or at the...

Underwater Photography: A good underwater picture of your dive buddy - is it an elusive quest?
I started taking underwater pictures in 2009, and like everyone else, thought it would be good to get a good picture of my dive buddy or...

Claustrophobia – Don’t let it stop you from learning to dive!
Learn more about how a fear of confined spaces or claustrophobia may be overcome to allow you to become a successful SCUBA diver.
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Underwater Photography: Why are my pictures all blue?
Tips and tricks from our Hamden Scuba Underwater Photography expert on how to bring color back to your underwater images.
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Become a PADI Divemaster – How do I get there…
Become a PADI Divemaster – How do I get there… Becoming a PADI Divemaster is a task that takes dedication and the attitude of someone...

Camping while SCUBA Diving - A Gear Guide
Camping while diving is a different experience than camping while backpacking. Generally the amount of gear that we take diving prohibits...

Underwater Navigation - Mastering the Skills
One of the basic skills that we learn in our Open Water Course is how to use a compass to ensure that we can both navigate to our...

Drive & Dive Adventure: Lake George 2016
Once again we will return to Lake George NY. Join us for a couple of days of camping and diving in the wonderful Adirondack State Park in...