"I am a PADI Dive Master and I recently had the opportunity to dive with Hamden Scuba in up state NY last weekend while earning my Ice Diver cert. All I can say is WHAT an awesome experience this was! Great people, lots of experience, a true interest for the student's safety and overall a wonderful crowd to work with" - Lisa Abbe, PADI Divemaster

PADI Instructor Development Course
Ready to become a dive industry leader - PADI Instructors are sought after world wide for their dedication to professional , safe and fun training.
Fall 2017 IDC Hosted by PADI 5 Star IDC, Scuba NY:
During the Fall 2017, we are delighted to announce that our Course Director will be conducting Assistant Instructor Program, Open Water Scuba Instructor program and a full Instructor Development Program at our partner 5 Star IDC, Scuba New York (Assistant Instructor, OWSI and full IDCs are run at PADI 5 Star IDCs only):
The classroom and confined water sections of the program will take place at Scuba NY and we will complete the open water sections of the program at Dutch Springs, where the Instructor Exam will take place.
We understand that many that wish to participate in the Instructor Development course lead busy lives, so we have attempted to keep the course to weekends where possible. The IDC dates are as follows:
Saturday September 30th & October 1st
Saturday October 7th & 8th
Friday October 13th, 14th & 15th
The Instructor Exam is scheduled at Dutch Springs on October 21st & 22nd.
EFRI is required before the completion of the IDC - contact us should you need to take the EFRI program - this is a 1 day program that can be integrated into the IDC.
Already a Master Scuba Diver Trainer - the IDC Staff Instructor program is available in conjunction with this program
This program may be staffed for credit towards Master Instructor or PADI Course Director, however, space is limited for staffing.
Contact your PADI Course Director, Kevin O'Sullivan, for more information on taking this program at Kevin@hamdenscuba.com