We generally complete this course when we are diving at:
Dutch Springs, PA
Lake George, NY
Ft. Wetherill, RI
All Travel Destinations
Investment: $165 for eLearning + Contact us for additional cost of Practical sessions
PADI Digital Underwater Photography Specialist
Underwater photography is one of the most popular diving specialties, and with so many underwater cameras to choose from, it has become easier and more fun than ever to capture images of your underwater scuba adventures. The PADI Digital Underwater Photographer course gets you going quickly, whether you use a point-and-shoot camera or a sophisticated dSLR like the pros.
The course is conducted through a combination of eLerning and practical dive assignments.
PADI (Junior) Open Water Divers who are at least 10 years old are eligible to take the Digital Underwater Photographer course.
Because underwater photography is also popular with snorkelers, there is an option for avid snorkelers and skin divers to complete the course.
When you schedule your course you will receive your PADI eLearning code. By studying and completing the eLearning before class, you’ll be better prepared to start practicing your photography skills when you meet with your instructor.
For Advanced Open Water divers that have compelted the Search and Recovery Adventure dive as part of the AOW course, the program may be completed in one day.
Contact us today about scheduling your next adventure Divers@HamdenScuba.com