"Very professional guys. I learned a lot during the Rescue Diver course. I've been out with many different dive centers and these guys are some of the best. Absolutely no cutting corners when it comes to safety and keeping to the course outline." - Justice Lee, PADI Rescue Diver
Master Scuba Diver Trainer Prep. Program
The Master Scuba Diver Trainer Prep Program consists of a combination of 5 PADI Specialty Instructor courses. By taking the MSDT Prep Program you will accelerate your ability to generate certifications, be able to serve your customers more fully as well as increase the variety of training which you perform.
Common Specialty Instructor Courses selected for the MSDT Prep Program include:
Enriched Air (Nitrox) Specialty Instructor
Navigation Specialty Instructor
Drysuit Diver Specialty Instructor
Wreck Diver Specialty Instructor
Night Diver Specialty Instructor
Search & Recovery Specialty Instructor
Project AWARE: Dive Against Debris Specialty Instructor
Full Face Mask Specialty Instructor
You can of course select from the list of Specialty Instructor Courses to tailor your MSDT Prep program to your requirements.
Upon completion of the 5 specialties and having certified 25 divers, you may apply directly to PADI for the MSDT rating.
Why take the Prep Program as opposed to taking individual instructor courses? Sign up for the Hamden Scuba Master Scuba Diver Trainer Prep Program and we will deliver 6 Instructor courses for the price of 4 (including the O2 Provider Specialty Instructor Course).
Investment: $800 (for 6 specialty instructor courses including O2 Provider)
Go Further - Take 10 specialty Instructor courses for $1350!
Check out the Hamden Scuba Go Pro page for more information on what is already scheduled and contact us to get your program scheduled today today